November 26, 2011

A side thought..

after watching the drama "In Time With You"
some things came to mind.

This girl very arrogant & headstrong, not the innocent sweet girly girl
yet can be your best friend, lover & confidante, mentor...anytime.

You love someone, but cant love that someone.
Both of you love each other but dont dare to make progress towards love relationship from great friendship, for fear of changing everything thats nice and good abt both of you.

Then there are admirers and suitors around you.
You just cant seem to communicate well about your ideals, dreams & aspirations...
and always feel tired after quarrelling and meeting them.

And one of you may have a boyfriend or girlfriend who cant seem to understand you or what you want, cos you are simply too headstrong.
Yet the more they love you or rather are just given too much, invested too much in the relationship (could be time or money) and would be wasted if leave now.
So they clung onto you and would listen to you as long as you take them along with you to wherever you are going.

Is this real love?
When we are watching dramas, we can spot this immediately and would say " they should get together!"

But in real life, especially for yourself, your own love life,
you dont see it as clearly. But its not easy to see it too.
Alot of times, the other party gives in to you, gives you the freedom you want and you also dont wish to hurt the someone. But think of it, the hurt is eternal and to both of you as long as you are together, hearts are somewhere else.

If you are in this, what would you do?
Will you get married to a man who seem to be everything good on the surface, and to everyone he is the perfect marriage material...but you don't love him as much as you wish to because your heart isnt there with him?

Or would you choose to pursue your heart, and risk the friendship, for the possibility it might turn out he also feels the same way for you??

Watch this and you know what i mean.

When Cheng You Qing says:
"I really dislike my current repetitive routine (admin) and I also want to know how far and what else I can actually do. Here's a rare opportunity. If i give up, I will regret later.
I want to prove myself."

And i think i got my answer.

~ xoxo, MakeUpByGelainza Beauty Editor Live Your Dream

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