January 20, 2012

Brilliant Dreams

"When I was 17, my heart was filled with brillant dreams.my heart would call and I would gladly go...as time goes by reality destroys our hopes and dignity...there's nothing left but shadows on the wall.But just remember who you are, and where you are from and you've come so far.and never ever let them see you fall.."
when you stop believing in love or the truth, as the time goes by, reality destroys your hopes & dignity... you might already forgot what you really want and what can really make you happy. The thoughts we keep,the people we meet,the books we read,if our hearts & minds are open,and ready,the TIME is now to be whoever you are, be with whoever makes you happy, and things just flow. When you are in the flow, when everything is in sync... AWESOME THINGS can happen.
Why hold on to something you dislike everyday (your job, your relationship, your friendships) wishing for the better tomorrow, when many circumstances have proven that you are just wishing under the wrong apple tree to bear you cherries? The BIGGEST ideas came from believing. If we listen too much to the society's noises, they all might just drown out our real calling. Isnt it true? Your true calling will serve alot more people.
Be open. Open to new possibilities, people, ideas and keep the heart young. - luve, Gelhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdhYzXobHEk&ob=av3n
Lyrics | Omd lyrics - Walking On The Milky Way lyrics~ xoxo, MakeUpByGelainzaBeauty EditorLive Your Dream

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